Did you know that beadwork is a quintessential Native American art form? Yes, it is, however, it uses beads that are imported from Europe and Asia. Glass beads have been used in Native American jewelry for almost five hundred years. Today, this type of beautiful jewelry is created with a wide variety of beading styles. It is interesting to note that most Native beadwork is created for tribal use; however bead workers also create conceptual beaded pieces for the art world. Jewelry lovers often come from all over the world to buy a variety of Southwestern jewelry. There are many types of Southwestern jewelry to buy in stores and at jewelry shows. It is often the case that much Southwestern jewelry comes from the Southwest part of the United States. Let’s travel to Arizona and New Mexico so that we can discuss the Southwest.
It is an interesting fact that the Southwest is especially recognized for its silverwork. Southwest jewelry includes designs created from channel inlay, cluster mosaic, petite point, and materials such as shells, gemstones, and beads. Did you know that the Navajo Indians liked the squash blossom necklace? Therefore, they liked to combine turquoise, coral, and other semi-precious stones. The gemstones were set into silver scrolls and leaf patterns. Then, they were put on cords and used as necklaces or bracelets. Therefore, it is safe to say that Native American beaded bracelets have gemstones.

Turquoise is closely associated with the Navajo jewelry; however, it wasn’t until 1880 that the first piece of turquoise was put into silver. In addition, coral and other semi-precious stones were added to the Navajo’s jewelry in 1900. Navajo jewelers are known for their squash blossom necklaces and bracelets.

These jewelry pieces are inspired by the squash plant. It is clear that turquoise, gemstones, silver, and beads go well together. That is why Native American beaded bracelets have gemstones.
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